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Fusion Reiki Crystal Alignment

Restore, Purify, and Protect your energy with this fusion of Usui Reiki and Taino Energies.

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • From 50 US dollars
  • North Tryon Street

Service Description

Welcome to our Fusion Reiki session. Here, we combine the power of Taino Petroglyphs and Cemi, the Nature Spirits native to the Greater and Lesser Antilles, with traditional Japanese Reiki to heal and purify your energy. Our aim is to promote peace, serenity, and protection, and we achieve this through the use of four powerful crystals: Selenite, Larimar, Amazonite, and Labradorite. We begin with a traditional reiki cleanse, using Selenite to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as eliminate stagnant or negative energy. This crystal amplifies and purifies the energy of other minerals, creating a powerful and effective session. We then ground and energize you with Larimar, a precious crystal infused with the nature spirits of Jaragua, which is now known as Barahona, Dominican Republic. This rare mineral possesses incredible energy that helps release trauma and negativity, providing strength and resilience to access and release stored trauma and negativity. The calming energy of Larimar helps you feel at peace in your life. We use Amazonite to thoroughly balance the heart chakra, which can be either overactive or underactive and requires extra attention. By carrying heavy emotional burdens, imbalances in our hearts can cause severe issues in maintaining healthy relationships or setting healthy boundaries. Amazonite helps to restore balance and harmony to this vital energy center. Finally, we use Labradorite to create a protective field around your chakras and auric body. This crystal empowers you and acts as a barrier that protects you from attracting or retaining negative messaging, energy, or interactions that could impact your mind-body balance. The immersive atmosphere we create with singing bowls and ocean waves will transport you to calm Caribbean shores, allowing you to escape the chaos of daily life and experience the transformative and healing power of our session.

Contact Details

  • VAPA Center, North Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC, USA


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