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Selenite Reiki Cleanse

Cleanse and Revitalize Your Energy

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 100 US dollars
  • North Tryon Street

Service Description

Are you feeling stagnant and weighed down by negativity? It's time to take charge of your energy and revitalize it! Release the negative thoughts and feelings that are holding you back and welcome a renewed sense of positivity and vitality into your life. Clear out the old and make way for the new – you deserve it! Selenite, when used in Reiki, can help remove energetic and emotional blockages. It clears away stagnancy and helps to lift projected energy that is keeping you down. Selenite also helps you become aware of the thoughts and self-beliefs that may be causing self-sabotage. It removes other people's projections from your mind space, providing you with a space of clarity to make better decisions. Labradorite, when used in Reiki, acts as a shield for the auric body from negative energies that are present in our daily lives and those that we encounter from others. By promoting self-healing, it helps restore the energy that we have expended on people, places, and things that were not positive. Labradorite also helps us become aware of our negative patterns and transforms them into positive and uplifting habits. At Tainica, this form of Reiki is not solely focused on the chakra system but also carried out over the meridian and myofascial lines. This is the most hands-on Reiki service offered as we physically push negative energy out of the human body.

Contact Details

  • VAPA Center, North Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC, USA


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